Friday, February 8, 2013

C is for Creation, the Art of

C is for Creation, the Art of - Pagan Blog Project - Week 6

Thanks Nasa.
                Creation begins with an idea, an intention. In many of mythology’s creation stories, we find that the world began of nothingness or chaos. From the primordial waters or the darkened void springs forth an idea. This idea is given form, a shape, a name, and a purpose. The gods are born, and from them, everything else.

                Humans create in much the same way. First comes the idea and followed by action, something great or beautiful or simply useful is born. In my journey as a witch, I've taken the vital steps toward creating my own life. No longer do I sit ideally and allow time and circumstance to mold my path. If I wish for something better, something more, I reach out and grab it. Through introspection and action, I am no longer a passive bystander. My life, my world, is not a movie. This is the live action version, and I am the director, the star role, and the audience all rolled into one.

                Some of us are born with that realization. It doesn't take a magick wand to motivate people to strive for their own version of greatness. Others, like myself, need a little extra push. I've been an on again off again practitioner since December of 2000. It wasn't until two years ago when I began a daily practice of self-exploration (not that kind, you perverts!) and meditation that it finally clicked. Witches are weavers, energy workers, and the very nature of what we do is a form of creation. While we use what is readily available, the energy around us, we direct this energy toward our own desired outcome. We start with an idea, an intention, the wish for a new job or the yearning of a romantic partner. We follow this with action, a spell, the statement of our desires. We raise the energy, a dance or drumming, and then release that energy into the universe. Of course we follow this with more action, submitting applications, networking, etc. Thus, we direct and create our lives.

Shameless self-promotion!
Check out my Etsy shop at
The Eccentric Muse
                And then there is the fun stuff. People create for pleasure. Sometimes we take our pleasure and end up creating, but that one is self-explanatory. In my strolls through the PBP I've run across a plethora of talented artists, musicians, and writers. Their creations are meant to entertain, to enlighten. Their art is a form of personal expression or made in dedication to their gods or spirit guides. Some of us are born with artistic talent, a calling which we cannot ignore. We channel this energy and display it in our words, with the stroke of a brush or pencil, or the strumming of fingers against taunt strings. I like to write; I also enjoy crafting. While I couldn't draw a straight line if Bast demanded it of me, I feel compelled to create beautiful things. In this respect, I’m something of a thief. I like to mix and mingle others’ creations. It begins with something that was already there, but transforms into something new, something I created.

I REALLY appreciate the TP.
                People tell me all the time that they aren't creative. To them I say, “Bullshit.” You don’t have to be an artist, writer, or musician to create. We do it every day, in every decision that we make. I've recently met several talented cooks in the local pagan community. Their baked, stewed, and fried concoctions are as appreciated and enthusiastically welcomed as any good book or treasured sculpture. Factory workers create the products that aid our daily lives, police officers and judges create peace (yes, I acknowledge that they can also create discord), and even custodians have a hand in creation by producing a cleaner and healthier environment. These things may not be as widely celebrated as Beethoven’s 9th or the latest teeny-bopper Bieber craze, but they are appreciated. I can certainly live without hearing Justin’s “Baby” again, but I’d sorely miss toilet paper if it were to suddenly stop being produced. Maybe I’d embrace that weird French invention, the bidet, but you get the point.

We are all creators in our own right. Take a moment to consider what you've created today and celebrate your accomplishment. Bieber will be gone tomorrow, replaced by another teenage heart throb, but your creations will leave a lasting impression without your own life and lives the of the ones closest to you.

1 comment:

  1. Creativity must be one of the most misunderstood words that people use. So many people confuse it with being "artistic" and then think that it is not them, when, really, to "create" is simply to make something that is new, and is something that we all do in all areas of our life, whether we recognize it or not. I like to think of creativity as a natural force, a basic property of the universe and life, and being creative as an expression of that energy through ourselves. Interesting post.

