Thursday, February 14, 2013

D is for Determination and Dedication

D is for Determination and Dedication - Pagan Blog Project - Week 7

                We set goals in our lives. We have dreams, grand visions of how we would like things to be. I think this is an essential part of human existence. Without aspirations, we’d have nothing to strive for. We’d become bored or perhaps even depressed. Change is the only combatant against stagnation.

                Unfortunately for some people, the stagnation sets in during the dreaming process. They languish in their desires, unable to muster the courage or will to make that vision a reality. We find this block in every aspect of life, whether it’s a lack of drive in the pursuit of a new career, or that extra umph it takes to get up off the couch and light a candle at the altar. This is where the striving part comes in.

It takes determination and dedication to start a regular religious or spiritual practice. For some, this comes easily, for others, not so much. When I first began my journey into Wicca and Witchcraft, I lacked the double D’s (I’m not talking about cup size people!). I pretty much lacked them in every aspect of my life. This lead to a great deal of bitching and a whole lot of nothing else. For some strange reason I thought that carrying the dream would be enough to actually manifest it. I was sorely wrong.

                If you’d like to forge a strong connection with your gods or guides, then you have to communicate. If you want to learn how to read the tarot, then you should start by actually picking up the deck. Dreams are wonderful, but you must follow up with determination and dedication to transform them into reality.

                I suppose another good word for this week would be “DO”.


v  Start a regular practice of meditation and introspection. Spending time with self will reveal our strengths and weaknesses. With the double D’s, we can fortify our gifts while striving to understand, accept, and even work past our shadows. Meditation is a great tool for this, and will also help to establish new and stronger bonds with divinity.

v  Build an altar. I realize that some people do not think an altar is necessary. We should always do what feels best for us. But I will submit that an altar can help greatly in the dedication department. Situating it in a high-traffic area of your home, the altar will serve as a constant reminder. You’ll be more likely to make a stop there if it’s constantly in your face.

v  Being a practice of daily devotions or prayer. Take a few minutes each day to commune with your gods or guides. This can be a formal recital or a simple conversation. Tell them how your day is going, celebrate your accomplishments, or blow off some steam. Let them know that their presence in your life is welcome and appreciated.

v  Make an offering. Pour a glass of wine, prepare a plate for your ancestors, or light some special incense. If you've started a practice of meditation or devotion, chances are you’ll know what they want.

v  Keep a detailed journal or Book of Shadows of the things you've done and experienced. This might help to keep the momentum going and has the added bonus of displaying how your practices have changed and grown.

v  Seek out ways to commune with the Earth and all her systems and cycles. You don’t have to celebrate the Wiccan Sabbats to enjoy the changing of the seasons. Take a walk around the yard or visit a local park. Even concrete jungles hold their own sort of beauty while fostering as much spirit as the rural areas. Open yourself to the energy around you.

v  Write and perform a spell. I know that not all pagans are witches, but if you aspire to be one, get out there and start moving the energy around. Wield that determination and dedication. Research, find a spell aligned with your goals, or write your own, and then just do it. Fear can be a major block when it comes to spell work, but you’ll never move past it if you don’t experiment.

Life is busy, frightening, and even exhausting at times. If you want to break the cycle and free yourself from stagnation, you must gather the courage and willpower to make a change. Whatever path you choose to walk, do so with determination and dedication. 


  1. I love this post! "Doing" is what strengthens both our paths and our selves. Everything else is just daydreams.
