Sunday, March 24, 2013

F is for Fellowship

F is for Fellowship - Pagan Blog Project - Week 12

                I know that there are a lot of solitaries out there who are perfectly happy with remaining that way. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I practiced and celebrated solo for many years. Finding common ground has always been a bit of an issue for me, even within the pagan and witch community. It seemed that each time I attempted to mingle, I always ran into the pompous types. While I most certainly could have furthered my studies with a teacher, I wasn't in the market for a pretentious instructor. What I really wanted was to share experiences and build solid foundations with trustworthy people (see my rant on F is for Fluffy Bunny).

                In the twelve or so years I've been practicing, I've come across exactly two groups of people that I've felt comfortable with. The first was a group of dabblers I happened to network with via a coworker. The connection was unexpected, and I’m grateful that I overcame my antisocial nature and actually ventured forth to meet them. We learned and played together, and they became a family to me, a group of sisters. Some of us would probably still be practicing together today if it weren't for a career change and a hurricane. After the move, I sort of drifted in my practice. I attended a few Pagan Pride Days and mingled with a couple of dabblers, but I just never could manage to make the connection. Admittedly, these failed attempts kept me underground for quite some time. I decided to take the leap again, about a two and half years ago, and it was well worth the wait. Finding this group of people has felt like coming home.
Hecate's Cauldron of Mississippi
Ostara 2013

                I have not entered into a coven. That kind of commitment is not to be decided upon at a whim. But we have formed an organization, a community, in which we learn, teach, share, grow, and celebrate together. I’m very much enjoying the fellowship shared between this new family and myself, and I hope that all you solitaries out there are able to find the same harmony and joy in the group experience at some point in your journeys.

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