Thursday, April 11, 2013

G is for Getting Involved and Giving Back

G is for Getting Involved and Giving Back - Pagan Blog Project - Week 15

I know that not everyone would agree, but I believe a very important part of being a witch, and a good human being in general, is giving back some of that positive energy we so readily take from the universe. Altruism is great, but not everyone subscribes to it. For those casters and energy workers out there who are not terribly concerned about your neighbor, I pose a question. Where does that energy come from? We don’t take it directly from ourselves or other people. That would be exhausting. Many witches believe that everything, you, me, that rock over there, even the computer screen you’re reading this from, are connected. We pull the energy from the universe, from the air, fire, water, and the earth and direct it toward our desired goal. If you hold that belief of interconnectedness, then you should also be aware of the Hermetic Principle of Cause and Effect, the whole “every action has a reaction” thing. This is where karma and the Wiccan Rede, “An it harm none, do what though wilt” come into play. By helping others or Mother Earth, you are helping yourself, perhaps not directly, but it will filter on down at some point.

You don’t have to be rich to contribute. You don’t have to have a lot of extra free time to make a difference. You can donate your time or resources in varying degrees to any of the following:

·         Join a local gardening club or committee
·         Participate in park, highway, or beach clean ups
·         Plant a tree
·         Participate in recycling programs
·         Volunteer with the Boys and Girls Club or something similar
·         Tutor a child
·         Shop at local businesses and buy local crops
·         Help a neighbor
·         Volunteer at food pantries, soup kitchens, and homeless shelters or donate resources
·         Participate in food drives or start your own
·         Volunteer at animal shelters or donate resources
·         Participate in 5k runs with proceeds that benefit various charities or medical research
·         Donate blood or plasma
·         Join committees, boards, or community projects
·         Vote

During the endless task to keep ourselves comfortable, we sometimes forget the importance of the world around us. By bettering the environment and aiding our neighbors, we better ourselves.

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